The Youth Spot Video Of The Week – Tevin Campbell | Tell Me What You Want Me To Do (ending 9/5/09)

This week, we take a simple look back into the musical career of a once young man who took the R&B world by storm when his career got launched on the scene by Quincy Jones back in the day. His voice was such a notable signature to beautiful love ballads & mid-tempo grooves, that much of his sounds can always get played back within minutes. We are talking about Tevin Campbell! Which is why we picked “Tell Me What You Want Me To Do” (released in 1991 on album ‘T.E.V.I.N.’ & became #1 on Billboards R&B charts) as the Youth Spot’s Video Pick of the week! And guess what folks reading this – word rumored  on the block is Tevin has a new single leaked out there on the net.  Is it called “This Game?” Is there a comeback???

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