Look Out For The Walls Group | Debut CD Coming June 12th on iTunes


Missouri City, TX — From deep in the heart of Texas comes a new generation of gifted kinfolk! The Walls Group –   Darrel, Rhea, Paco and Ahjah are the singing four of eight children born to Roger and Alicia Walls.  With musically inclined parents, these kids could not escape the melodies and harmonies that coursed throughout the household and seeped into their souls.

The Gospel music industry has embraced the siblings’ extraordinary vocal and music abilities.  With such anticipation for their national self-titled debut CD release, the young singers are busy with appearances and are adapting to the fast-paced demands as they aspire to launch their music ministry.  

The Walls Group project includes worship, contemporary gospel and a blend of urban pop and will be available on iTunes June 12.  The project features the hit single “Mighty You Are” and features a guest appearance by power-house vocalist Nikki Ross on the soulfully charged song “Yes”.  The young singers bring music alive with their charming charisma and stage presence and are completely capturing the hearts of music fans.
About The Walls Group:
Darrel Walls is 20 years old and is the eldest member of the Walls Family Singers.  He started playing drums at the age of 4 and did so until he replaced them with the organ/keyboard. It is his passion for God that causes him to be an exceptional individual, songwriter and arranger. He aspires to someday be a great producer.
Rhea Walls is 16 years old and is the second oldest of the group.   Her shy personality is overshadowed by her governing but delicately pure soprano voice.  She has an exceptional ear for music and plays piano and clarinet.  But Rhea is also an outstanding athlete who runs track winning the Fort Bend County School District championship title in 100 and 300 meter hurdles. She’s a Junior Olympics contender!
Paco Walls, 15 years old, is next in the line. Alic is known for his raspy, soulful sound. Paco could win the attention of any crowd with his charm and his peculiar voice. Paco declares that God spoke to him in a dream and called him by his name and told him that he would pastor a mega-church one day.
Ahjah Walls is 13 and the baby of the singing group.  Ahjah has developed into an awesome alto with a unique vibrato.  Ahjah can vocally riff and run like her older brother and is setting a course to be a dynamic female vocalist.  In between singing, Ahjah loves to draw with aspirations to be a famous cartoonist.

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