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Anthony Michael Hobbs Plays Young Frederick Douglas in New PBS Series

Anthony Michael Hobbs
Eight-Year-Old Anthony Michael Hobbs Plays Pivotal Role of Young Frederick Douglass in the Emmy Nominated PBS Series
Baltimore’s Rising Star Child Actor Cast in Several Current and Upcoming Projects for Summer
Photo by Tony Gibble Photography
New York, NY August 12, 2013 –Eight-Year-Old rising star child actor, ANTHONY MICHAEL HOBBS was cast as the young Frederick Douglass, at the age of six in the PBS Series: The American Experience: The Abolitionist. It recently received an Emmy Nomination for “Outstanding Documentary or Non-Fiction Series.

Polydor and Inensu to Launch Official App for R&B Group Mindless Behavior on Facebook

Polydor Teams Up With Inensu to Launch Official SuperFan App for Break-Out Artist Mindless Behavior on Facebook


LONDON, Feb. 29, 2012 /PRNewswire-iReach/ — SuperFan ( is a social fan platform, developed by inensu. SuperFan has redefined music apps by combining social, game mechanics, location and fan clubs to create a platform for fans to feel closer to their idols. Universal Music has partnered with inensu to launch an official SuperFan App for the break-out US R&B/pop group Mindless Behavior. To continue, please click “MORE”!

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